And she kissed him again. Harder. The damp and hot air inside the room didn't bother them a bit. Instead, it made her wanting him more. The ceiling fan, contaminated with patches of rust here and there, spun monotonously with the faint klac-klac-klac noise stirring the hot air around the room instead of cooling them. She pulled his whole body toward her, and then embraced him tightly before suffocating him with her lips. She sucked his tongue. Saliva never tasted this good.
She almost lost in her senses right now. Good. She hoped she’d forget about the dream last night. Dream? No, nightmare should be the correct word. In all her adult life she never remembers in details her dream (nightmare). It usually flashes of random images and sounds, usually in fragments. What she remembers the most is the feeling, whether happy, sad or terrifying. It is usually the only thing that still lingers after she wakes up. But last night was different. Before she went to sleep, she was very happy. In fact, she was so happy that she couldn't really sleep, as she was so excited. Her lover is coming, and they will spend their time together, alone away from other people. Away from the madness of the world. She couldn't really remember when she started to drift off, but she knew she was dreaming because suddenly she was not in her bed anymore. And she knew she was dreaming because she couldn’t control herself. She went through the motion like watching a movie, everything has been scripted.
First, she was on a top of a cliff. She stood before a valley and the sight astounded her. It wasn’t the panoramic view of the valley itself, with the beautiful and majestic built of the rock formation. Nor was the sight of the moon that night, glow radiantly although not with its own light, turning the black pitch sky into dark bluish ocean. The full moon with a little view of its surface, which made out of craters and hills and valleys, looks like a well design rock carvings. What made her speechless and dumbstruck was the sight of the city below her, a city made of light. Or so it seemed. It was so grand and so ostentatious, that they seemed not real. Or maybe they were. Just a fantasy city made of human’s hope. Whatever it was, it was still magnificent. All the buildings were made of steel, glass and crystal, not that different from today’s modern sky scrapper. They weren’t just very high, they were also gigantic. Gold-colored lights emitted from all these buildings through their crystal and glass windows, giving the impression that the city was indeed made of lights. They were a lot more lights below, colorful lights shrouding the city street. At that time she realized that the street was also made of glass and crystal. And there were a lot of people at the streets too; she can hear commotion and noise of their laugh and words.
Then, she heard a whisper. It was like shards of broken glasses brushing against the floor, creating that nerve-shattering sound. It said, “Burn the flesh, burn the flesh. Tear it out, eat it up”. And then she heard a loud sound coming from the end of the valley, beyond the city of lights. The sounds became louder, a horrible sound. A combination of sounds of screams and sounds of thunder. It was a high-pitched but loud sound. With it, a large cloud of dust began to move toward the city, it was so large that it overshadowed the city, which itself was huge. As the cloud of dust reach the city (it was also very fast), she can see that there was something else behind the dust. It was like a black tornado. Like a large, alive swirling air that full of black material. No, not full but oozing with this black material, like a melting tar. There was also something else in the black tornado. There was something like a mass of flesh inside there. It was also pulsing everywhere, like it was made of thousands of living human fused together. May be it was that, she couldn’t really tell because there were a lot to see.
When the black tornado hit, or the better word swarmed the city, she wished she was blind and deaf. Better still, she wish she had died. She could stand the destruction of the city. The shattering glass and crystal, the crumpled and torn to pieces of steel. She could stand the chaos, the falling debris swirling everywhere, dust and other kind of material flown in every direction. What she couldn’t stand was the sight of human limbs, organ, flesh and blood twirling all over the valley, the tornado churning every one of them, not just into pieces, but until they vaporized. Until they were the size of molecules. She also couldn’t stand the screams. Oh, God the screams. First they were barely audible, just a distant echoes of pain. Then, they became louder and they were a lot. The screams were all over the place and then they joint together. The wind blended the screams together and it formed a single, unified scream that would drive people out of their mind. She tried to close her ears with her hands but she couldn’t. Because this is a dream, and in dream you cannot control yourself. You’ve just become a spectator with front row seat. Then the whisper again, louder this time, “Feel the flesh. Eat the mind…”.
Suddenly she was at her parent house, just outside the door. Again, another rule for dream; law of physic and logic doesn’t exist in your dream. Damn, she should write a manual about dream. There is no transition in dream, one moment you were at other place, the next moment you’re at another place. It doesn’t have to be related or make sense, these places. Like at that time, she was outside her parent’s house just before the door. The house that she used to call home. They said home is where the heart is. So what is the place where your fear is? Your anger and hatred are?
She felt her hand moved toward the knob reluctantly. It found the knob and slowly turning it, opening the door. She expected the sight of the same old furniture, the same old lamps, and the same old electrical appliances. She expected the old big tv by the corner, where she spent most of her childhood there. It was her window to the world, although it wasn’t accurate or in most cases, it was a false representation of the real world. But all of that weren’t there. It was still the same house, same size, same tiles and wall but it was almost empty. It was also quite dark, not completely dark but there was only a faint, blue light illuminating the house. In the middle of the house was a round table, with 3 people standing around it. She knew these people. Two of them were her parent, while the other one was her younger sister. They were wearing their normal clothes, but there was something wrong with the expression on their faces. They were smiling, but it wasn’t the same sweet and loving smile that she would expect from them. It was the smile of villains, devilish smile. It was the smile a psychotic’s killer would make after they slay their victims. Devilish smile, devilish. They were looking at something on the table. The table itself was a black wooden table with morbid carvings. The carving wasn’t just show horrible and sickening images, they also carving of words in alien or ancient language. But that wasn’t the most horrible thing there. When she got closer and have a better view of the table, she had almost lost her mind. You see, it was her on the table, or what left of her. She didn’t only recognize her face, but she somehow knew it was her on the table. What was left intact of her on the table was her head, but the mouth was smeared with blood. Her short but thick black hair was a mess. Her eyes were wide-open, part in agony, part in shock and fear. Her body stopped short at the middle of her neck. There was a gruesome and funny-looking metal disk attached to her neck. It was like it was plugging blood from coming out of her head. Blood and pieces of her flesh covered the metal disk. From the disk, there were 5 metal chains attached to it and it was pulled to every side of the table. It was like her head was supported by these chains. And like the disk, these chains were covered in her blood and pieces of her flesh and internal organs. Before she can react, all of her family started to chant, “Tore the dream. Eat the skin. Touch the blood. Burnt the heart.”. The chanting became faster and louder. Then, it was like 500 people were chanting these words inside the house.
Suddenly, they stopped chanting. At the same time her head on the table started to move. It opened up it mouth (or should it be she opened up her mouth?), and a stream of barb wire, blood, broken glass, maggots, flesh and sharp metal flew toward her face. And she knew that when it hit her face her head would explode. When it did…
…she woke up. Not screaming, but panting and sweating. She was like a scared puppy left outside in the rain. At least she was on her own bed again. She felt relief but still shaken. Still afraid. Her room was quite small, and the dim night-light didn’t make it any better. She felt like everything in her room became aliens. Became strangers. Even the big brown teddy bear, which was her favorite, looked alive and was watching her with a malicious stare. The bear was a gift from a guy who really likes her, but she can only accept him as a good friend. It was as though the bear represent that guy anger. She closed her eyes, and sigh deeply. She tried to think of good thoughts, about beautiful things. Things such as flower, lake, mountains. And of course, her lover. A few minutes later she was all right again. Not long after that she started to lie down and dozed off. There was no more dream or nightmare.
Her grip on him loosens a bit. She was pulling away a little, and about to kiss him back harder when suddenly she heard a loud sound and she was flung out of her bed until she hit the wall facing the bed. Then she was slumped on the floor just in front of the bed. She didn’t really know what exactly happen but it took some time for her to realize that she was covered with something wet and warm. It was blood. But it wasn’t hers. She was shaken, and terrified but she knew that she wasn’t dreaming this time. It was a nightmare all right but it wasn’t a dream. First, it was because she was still in her room and second, she can still control herself. Her hands can still move when she wanted them to and she can look anywhere she wants. Then she remembered her lover. So, she forced herself to look at the bed. And she thought her nightmare was awful enough.
Her lover still in the same position, sitting on the bed, naked. His upper body was slightly bend, supported by his two muscular arms that rested on the bed. His face was a mix of shock and immense pain. His eyes were wide open, so wide that they almost became a circular shape. She can even see his veins almost popping out of his eyes. His mouth, in the other hand, wasn’t opened wide. It was open in intermediate position, with some saliva dripping off out of it. His mouth didn’t seem so desirable now. His body and the bed sharing the same thing now. His blood. And it was coming from his belly. You see, there was a big, long but thin blade went through his body. It was rusty too. It was so long that after penetrating his body, the blade went through the bed and hit the cement floor. Its tip was buried into the floor. The blade wasn’t held by somebody, but it was attached to something. Yes, something, not somebody. Because the blade was attached to something that was more foul than any human. It was more like a monster. A demon perhaps.
At this point she couldn’t be sure whether she was still in the real world or she was dreaming. Dreaming of a nightmare. Getting back to the blade, it looked plain (and rusty) but at the area where it attached to the creature (demon?), the blade shape was different. It was carved to a weird and nasty looking shape, with a lot of rough edges and curves. There were carvings on it too. She recognized the carving because it was written in the same ancient alien language like the one she saw in her nightmare.
The monster anatomy was a hybrid between man, animals and metal. It was almost like a fail cyborg experiment except there were no technological elements such as cables, wires, electronic parts or moving mechanical parts. It was just fusion between flesh and metal. The monster core shape is a man, with a body, with something looked like a head. There were some things that resembled 2 arms only one of them is the long blade buried in her lover body. There were also 2 things that resembled the monster feet. At first glimpse, you would have thought that it was wearing a helmet. An old, English knight helmet that was broken and bended out of shape. But it is actually its head, with metal protruding out of the top of his head and it covered its head spirally. It looks like a metal mummy. There was a little opening at its eyes, so you can see its eyes. Its horrible, menacing eyes. Its right eyes is a normal human eye. What so grotesque about it is that it is actually a very beautiful eye. It has a crystal blue eye, not like a true Caucasian eye but like the contact lenses type. It has that so-beautiful-it-must-be-fake kind of look. But there were no eyelashes or brow, only hard, reddish skin around it. A beautiful thing on a horrible thing, it was a blasphemy. The other eye was a complete opposite of the right eye. It was like a cat eye, with long vertical pupil, which is sharp at both ends. Unlike a cat however, its iris isn’t green, blue or other normal color, but it was blood-red. It was almost like the eye was burning. The funny thing is that it has normal brow and eyelashes. Other than that, there was no other feature of his face can be seen. Thank God for that, who knows what other madness dwell beneath the metal cover. Other parts of its body were also like that. All covered with metal sheets, coming out of some part of its body and end up in other part of its body. The metal sheets looked hard, almost rusty and rough. Its edges were jagged while there were a lot of rupture and bending. Where there is opening or gap between these metal sheets, the flesh exposed wasn’t like normal human flesh. Like at the eyes, the skin color was reddish, not completely red, a little bit toward brown. It was rough and it is hard but there was no single hair on it. Its other arm was almost like a human arm except it has claws that covered with metal.
Fear paralyzed her, freezing her in that position, slumped and watching her lover in unbearable agony. She’s shaking, and tears streaming down her cheeks. She didn’t even notice she is muttering “Ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgod” under her breath. Then, the creature (demon!!) held its other arm up. Its claws suddenly changed physically, it was like it was ruptured inward. It was like the claws wasn’t made from organic material like flesh and bone (and metal), but made of plastic or balloon rubber. It was literally deflated, shrinking into his arm. And out of the arm was another thing. You could say another organ or body part only it looked more like a machine or a tool. Maybe both, a power tool. The body part that replaced the claw was like the skeleton of an umbrella, consisting of insect leg-like metal arranged circularly around a metal rod. The metal rod was sharp-pointed and has rough carving on it. She gasped, “Oh, no. I’m next”. Before she could scream the creature shoved its new hand to the back of her lover’s head. The sharp-pointed insect leg-like metals penetrate through the flesh and also the skull almost until half of its length.
Her lover screamed, a high pitch agonizing scream. She screamed with him. But the ordeal was not over yet. Suddenly the insect leg-like metals spread outward (it was indeed like an insect leg because they have joints), tearing his lover head flesh and back cranial bone, exposing almost perfect circular opening at his head. Blood gushes out. More blood on the bed. If she was standing at the creature position, she could even see her lover brain. Her lover scream louder and continuously. She could go mad by now. Then, the sharp-pointed metal rod extended and penetrating her lover’s brain. The screaming stop. Her lover body started to shake, almost convulsing. His eyeballs rolled up while saliva dripping uncontrollably down his chin, his once desired saliva. Like a never-ending nightmare, the torturing goes on. Without warning, small razors popping out from every side of the rod made it looks like a miniature turbine or fan. And like a turbine or a fan, the rod started to rotate at a very rapid acceleration. The creature drove the “fan” through her lover brain, churning his brain tissues into pieces. His lover brain is blended inside his skull. Brain tissues, white matter, grey matter, blood intermingled and mixed inside his skull. Recipe for pain. Her lover’s body shook violently and he started to scream again, “Wwoooooorggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Worrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!”.
God she hoped he died. And like magic, her lover stopped screaming and his body became lumped. His head dropped down, lolling just like his arms. She wished him dead and he did. She began to feel regret, she should have wish none of these wasn’t happening. She suspected the wish is a one-time offer only. The creature took out the “fan”, which was covered by brownish fluid (mixture of blood, brain tissues and whatever matter inside his skull) and stared at her. Staring her with his blue and red eyes. Then she noticed her lover skin gradually became dark, like something toxic has entered every vein in his body. But it doesn’t matter anymore. Nothing matters anymore. It was her turn. There was no use of denying it. No use of pretending that all of these didn’t happen. Pretending it just one of her nightmare. Her time has come, and it was her turn. She didn’t afraid of dying; she’s only fear the torment that she has to go through before she died. Is it the same as her lover or the creature has something far more sinister for her. A special menu perhaps. She didn’t care anymore. She just closed her eyes. Tears were still coming out. And she waited. And waited. It was the longest wait in her life, and the most painful one. It was like forever. When nothing happened, she started to open her eyes slowly. The creature was nowhere in sight. There was only the body of his lover sprawling on the bloodied mattress. Sprawling with his back on top, revealing the opening at the back of his head. She covered her face with both of her hands, and burst into tears again. She was sobbing violently. She stayed like that for about an hour. She has no more energy to move or do anything else. Suddenly, something grabbed her hand and pulled her towards her bed. To her horror, it was her lover or rather his body because deep down inside she knew he already gone. Her lover eyes were wide-open, blood dripping from the back of his head while saliva dripping from his lips. Clear mucus dripping from his nose while almost all of his skin turned dark, not totally black in color. Her dead lover pulled her closer. So she scream and scream and scream again…
1 comment:
where do you get all this ideas? too much day dreaming i assume... love the story. love how you play with your words. keep it up. my premonition tells me that the next chapter has more sex and violence in it. you better make sure my prediction is right. hehehe...
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